Lighting plays an important role in automotive vehicle to provide illumination for the driver and help other drivers/pedestrian to detect the vehicle position, size and movements. Moreover add aesthetic features to both interior and exterior parts. Nowadays photonics is the game-changer including, but not limited to, LEDs, laser-enhanced lighting, HUDs, windows display and LiFI: let’s discuss together with the major stakeholder of the value chain. Be sure to join us by registering at . You can also join us LIVE on YouTube on the EPIC YouTube channel at The full meeting will also stay available here for viewing afterwards.
During this event, we will have the opportunity to listen to 2 partners of PHABULOuS Pilot Line: Rafael Michalczuk, Senior Technology & Funding Manager at Swarovski and Wilfried Noell Director R&D at SUSS MicroOptics.