3 May 2023
OpTecBB is hosting a #phabulous webinar on “The Revolution in Micro-optics – use cases and funding”.
Speakers include Rafael Michalczuk (Swarovski), Xavier Bonjour (MICROOLED), Harald Pier (SUSS MicroOptics), Roger Krähenbühl (CSEM) from PHABULOuS and is hosted by Mike Richardson (OpTecBB) and Jessica van Heck (PHABULOuS Pilot Line).
It will be very application driven with focus on the open call that is still running until the end of the year.
Register on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/events/therevolutioninmicro-opticsusec7056273647077908480/comments/
Or join directly through this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6847895955?pwd=Umg3QjJNMlNMblNkRzRpb2dFS1dPdz09