Freeform surfaces are gaining increasing importance in modern optical systems, with a high degree of design freedom with unique possibilities to combine different optical functions. The implementation of freeform optical surfaces enhances the performance in an optical system and offers miniaturized and more compact optics. Dependent on the application, one or more surfaces can be shaped as freeform surfaces which result in strong challenges over the entire value chain. Designs, materials, processes, and characterization methods need to be well aligned. 

This Phabulous workshop brings together international companies and worldwide technology experts and provides an overview about the newest developments in the field. We will discuss them in a networking atmosphere through two main focus on AR/VR (click here to go to the AR/VR applications session), and automotive market. This workshop will be organized on two mornings, after each morning, a networking session is organized to allow on-demand exchanges towards future collaborations and flourishing of new research and business opportunities among the participants.

During these two days, we will explore new trends in design and fabrication and the latest advances. Topics include the technology offered by PHABULOuS, the European Pilot Line for the manufacturing of free-form micro-optical components, as well as the challenges of UV replication technologies (wafer-scale, roll-to-plate R2P, and roll-to-roll R2R). We will hear from industrial partners with specific applications and expertise and will show their challenges, demands and offer a user perspective on the current and future practice of free-form micro-optic production in their specific field. Examples and demonstrators will include light management films and diffusers, holographic and diffractive optics, waveguides, meta lenses, antifogging and antiwetting optical films and other technologies.

The 25 May from 9 to 12h, we focus on automotive applications of free form optics: the possibilities offered by free form optics technology in terms of lighting systems or head-up display technologies are amazing. We will approach this application domain by inviting companies and worldwide experts involved in this field to know more about challenges and opportunities offered by this field on the automotive market.

Session 1 Advances in design and fabrication of free form micro optics

Marc Schnieper, Senior Scientist at SUSS MicroOptics (download presentation)

Rainer Födisch, Manager Optical Solutions at Synopsys (download presentation)

Marina Postnikova, Export Technical Sales Engineer at PHASICS

Session 2 Applications in Automotive Market

Marcel Sieler, CEO at Glowwing

Hagen Schweitzer, Manager Optical Design at DOCTER OPTICS (download presentation)

Paul-Henri Matha, Technical Leader Exterior Lighting at Volvo Cars (download presentation)

Jessica Van Heck, Managing Director at PHABULOuS Association (download presentation)

Moderated by Jérémy Picot-Clemente, Photonics Technology Manager at EPIC

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Alexander Neustadt, Lead Lighting Engineer at Nolden Cars & Concepts

Bo Chen, Senior Optical Designer at Huawei (Germany)

Daniela Karthaus, Optics Engineer at HELLA (Germany)

Fernando Muñoz, Expert Researcher Optics at Huawei (Germany)

Henning Katte, CEO at ilis gmbh (Germany)

Ho Hoai Duc Nguyen, SA at ams PSRAM (Germany)

Jiseok Lim, Professor at Yeungnam University (South Korea)

Jisoo Lee, Manager at SL Corporation (Germany)

Jonas Wielandts, CFO at Wielandts UPMT (Belgium)

Mehmet, Optical Engineer at Methods Electronics (Malta)

Muhammad Zaidi Mohtar, Lighting Senior Manager (Malaysia)

Nello Li Pira, Material Manager at CRF – STELLANTIS (Italy)

Osman Akin, R&D at  Optogon Studio (Turkey)

Paul Blair, Head of Technology at PowerPhotonic (UK)

Patrick Heissler, Director Business Development at SUSS MicroOptics (Switzerland)

Rolando Ferrini, Chief Regional Officer at FEMTOprint (Switzerland)

Pavel Dyachenko, Principal Optical Engineer at Huawei (Germany)

Rendall van der Leeuw, Senior Technical Engineer  at Anteryon (The Netherlands)

Tibor Giesen, Teamleader Lighting at EDAG engineering

Ulf Geyer, Optical Engineer at Auer Lighting (Germany)

Ville Nissinen, Chemist at Nanocomp Oy (Finland)

Yasar Kutuvantavida, R&D at Huawei (Germany)